Learning to Train (L2T) | Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI-L2T)
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9-12 M | 8-11 F | Learning to Train (L2T) | Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI-L2T)
In Competition Coaching Introduction (CCI-L2T) coaches develop skills to deliver a well-rounded program for athletes aged 9-12 years old. The emphasis is on skill development within a fun, team-oriented environment that develops a passion for the lifelong health and fitness benefits of cross-country skiing.
Coaches complete the following steps.
On snow workshop: This 16.5-hour in-person workshop is delivered by your Division. Topics include:
- team management
- supporting athletes at a competition
- equipment selection
- ski preparation
- how to effectively teach intermediate-level ski technique.
CCI (L2T) dryland workshop is a prerequisite.
Practical experience: Coaches compete 40 hours of practical coaching, organize and lead a camp, and lead a team at a regional competition.
Coaches who complete this step will be CCI-L2T Trained.
Evaluation: Complete NCCP Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation and look for the following evaluation criteria and forms in the Document Centre:
- Designing a Practice Plan for L2T Athletes
- Designing a Seasonal Training Plan for L2T Athletes
- Delivering an On-snow Practice Session with L2T Athletes
You will only submit one practice plan, which should be used for the on-snow practice evaluation.
Coaches who complete this step will be CCI-L2T Certified.
Number of Participants: A minimum of 6 participants are required. Ideally, for a good learning situation, the class size should be 8 or 9 (maximum 14). It is better to arrange two separate workshops with seven participants in one and eight in the other, than one workshop with 15 participants.
Workshop Fee: The fee is $100.00 per person for CCBC members and $200.00 per person for non-members. The club must therefore guarantee a minimum payment of $600.00 for the workshop. If less than 6 participants show up, the cost of holding the workshop is still $600.00. If you have 5 or less participants registered the workshop may be rescheduled or cancelled.
Dates: Nov 27-28
Location: Sovereign Lake Nordic Club