All Trail Access CLOSED Until Further Notice

SKIING ADVISORY: We are putting out a request to all skiers to stay off all of our trails until further notice to help us preserve the limited amount of remaining snow we have at the moment. Two days of rain has reduced our snowpack significantly and there is between 3-5″ of packed snow AT MOST on the trails. We hope to see cold weather and more snow by the weekend. We need every 1″ of this white stuff to be able to open next weekend, on November 6th. Skiing access is still available on Repeater Rd at this time.

Thanks, Troy Hudson (GM)

Register by October 31st to win a $1000 Shopping Spree!

If you haven’t purchased your new 2020-21 season pass yet this sure is an amazing incentive!

All season pass registrants who have purchased passes between June and October 31st will be entered into this great early bird grand prize giveaway by Stussi Sport. Stussi is a HUGE supporter of our club and we figured what better incentive for cross country skiers than $1000 to spend in the Okanagan’s #1 Nordic Shop.

Thanks, Stussi for your donation and ongoing support!

Now… start dreaming about how you will spend your thousand bucks.

If you haven’t already done so, click on the link below to purchase your 2020-21 season passes today.

Season Passes

AGM Registration

AGM registration deadline has been extended to October 18th at 8 pm.

The board of directors invites club members to join the annual general meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, Oct 21st, 2020 at 7:00 pm PT.

To continue to encourage safety for our members, volunteers and staff we will be using an online platform for the AGM. To allow us to coordinate and prepare for the meeting you will need to register in advance. Please use the link below to register.


The AGM meeting package and details will be sent out to registrants on October 15th.

To attend, you must be 19 or older by December 31st, 2020 and have been a 2019-2020 season pass holder or have purchased a season pass on or before Sept 21st, 2020.

Thanks, and we look forward to your attendance!

Season Passes are back on sale!


We are so excited to launch our new online sales platform for our members and guests. We have partnered with Entabeni Systems based out of Colorado who specializes in alpine resort management software. SLNC is their first nordic customer.  Entabeni Systems specialize in RFID technology to create a safe and secure registration platform that provides fast e-commerce solutions. We will be using their system, for season pass sales and day ticket sales this winter but plan to move all lesson bookings, rentals bookings, and online merch sales to this platform in the future. Sovereign Lake is one of the first Nordic facilities to be utilizing RFID technology in North America. Welcome to our team Entabeni!

Check out our RFID Resources page here for more information on how our new ID Cards work.

Go straight to the new registration page on the right.

2024/25 Season Pass FAQ


Here are some of our most popular questions.

Why the new system?

We have made a change this year to a new Point of Sales system. After listening to feedback from our customers over the last few years we have decided to make a change for the better. Improvements in technology have increased the options available in POS systems. Our Season passes and Program registration will be through Zone 4 this year while we complete the changeover to the new POS in the lodge.

How do I purchase my pass this year?

Please purchase your season pass in Zone 4 as directed on the Season Pass Page

Online on our website REGISTRER NOW

What about my old pass card??

Save it! We will follow up with you in September/October about how to load your pass purchase onto your existing card.

Please save the current card as it will be compatible with our new system. The rest of the work will happen behind the scenes and we hope the transition will be relatively seamless.

Don’t have a card. We will issue one in the fall.

How and where do I pick up my Season Pass?

You will be able to pick them up from the lodge when we are open for the season or at special events hosted by our Sponsors.

Can I pay for my Season Pass with cash or a check?

All Season Pass sales are through the website and require a credit or, VISA debit card for your purchase.

I have a Season Pass with another club in BC. Will I get a $19 refund on my SLNC Season Pass to cover the CCBC/NC Insurance Fee?

When you purchase your Sovereign Lake Season Pass in Zone 4 the system should recognize you and not charge the fee a second time if you also get a pass at another area. If the fee is charged more than once please email [email protected].

Tip: Use the same first name each time.  Example: Rob or Robert-computers are smart but not that smart they will think you are a different person. Please be consistent!

How do I register for SLNC Programs?

Online on our Programs Page. Email [email protected] if you have questions after reading our programs descriptions. We are happy to help.

Silver Star Has stopped selling Dual Area Nordic Passes, Can I still buy one at Sovereign?

No, dual passes are no longer available. However, you can purchase a “Silver Star Add-On” with your Sovereign Lake pass at a discounted rate on the purchase of your SLNC Season Pass. To attain the Add-On later on, you must go to SSMR to attain the discounted Add-On pass. Please have your purchase receipt on hand when you buy an add on pass.

Are there food and beverages for sale in the lodge?

There are self serve food, beverages, and snacks available inside the facility.

Self serve or self heating food options may include soups or chilis. Snack include bars and cookies.

There are no alcoholic beverages for sale at SLNC. Cold drinks include pop and Gatorade. A coin(must have cash) operated hot beverage machine has warm options for you after your ski or snowshoe. There are packaged teas and hot chocolates for purchase with a debit or credit card at the counter if you forget your cash.

How do the new scannable season passes work?

We have moved to an RFID (Radio Frequency ID) scan card for all season pass.

Please save your season pass card year to year as it is reusable.

Still unsure. Please check in with our friendly lodge staff!

Can I ski with my dog?

We have designated on-leash dog trails where you can ski with your furry friend at no additional cost. Please ask inside the lodge about our dog use policy and sign a waiver once this season before enjoying the designated ski trails with your dog. We no longer charge dog season passes or for day-use tickets. Click here for dog policy



New SLNC Lodge One Step Closer to Reality

BC Parks has granted the club permission to move ahead with fundraising efforts towards a new lodge! With this approval, they have also contributed seed funding to help launch our fundraising campaign. SLNC is now in a position to start our fundraising efforts which will include applications for local, provincial, and federal grant monies.

This is where we need you!  Anything that you can contribute will help us meet our goal to provide a fabulous new facility for future generations of users.  If you wish to donate directly please do so by following the link below. Additionally, if you have experience in fundraising or in the pursuit of grants or any ideas or ability to pursue high-value donations through either private or corporate organizations, we would ask that you communicate to us by emailing

Follow the link below for the full article in our latest E-Blast.

Save the Date – AGM and Elections

The Annual General Meeting and the election of Board members will be held on Wednesday, October 21, at 7 PM Pacific time.   This year’s AGM will be held virtually and you MUST pre-register in order to attend. You will receive instructions in October.

Run for the Board – The deadline to apply is September 30th. 
We are looking for enthusiastic people who want to help Sovereign Lake Nordic Club continue to offer the finest Nordic skiing anywhere (in our humble opinion). Six positions are coming due this year, so if you have what it takes to be a great Board member, be sure to put your name forward!

The main requirement to be a Board member is a commitment to Sovereign Lake, an ability to spend 8-12 hours per month on Board activities including a once-per-month Board meeting, and the willingness to commit to a 2-year term on the Board.  New Board members must attend an orientation session during the first month. The Board makes a wide range of decisions on behalf of the club. Check out past meeting minutes to get an idea of what’s involved. For the term ahead, the board requires people with skills in HR, Fundraising, and Volunteer Coordination.

The nominations deadline is 11:59 PM on Wednesday, September 30th.
Nominations and applications will not be accepted after the stated deadline.  (Note:  The deadline is a little earlier than in the past year, so we have time to organize the virtual meeting and electronic election).

To put your name forward, please complete a brief bio (items to include are listed below) and email it to the Chair of the SLNC Election Committee – Kim Taylor. Bios will be posted on the SLNC website at least 5 days prior to the AGM. Complete details concerning the nomination process, information about the Board and the election process are found below in this message.  If you have any questions or need further information, please contact any one of us at the emails below.

Your 2020 SLNC Election Committee
Kim Taylor (Chair) – [email protected]
Doug Geller – [email protected]
Randy Savoie – [email protected]


Nomination Deadline:  11:59 PM on Wednesday, September 30th
Nominations will not be accepted after this time.

Virtual AGM and Election Date:  Wednesday, October 21st at 7 PM (PST).

Who Can Vote and Run:

Current SLNC Annual Members in good standing. A member in good standing is defined as anyone who had a valid Season Pass during the 2019-20 season over the age of 18, or a new member who purchases their 2020-2021 membership at least 30 days prior to the 2019 AGM. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age by December 31, 2020.) See below for a link to the 2020-21 Membership Registration Page.

Duties, Responsibilities, and Time Commitment: 

Required Nomination Bio Information: 

  1. Why are you interested in running for the Board?
  2. What would make you a valuable member of the Board?
  3. Is there anything else you would like to share with the SLNC membership in considering you for a Board position?
  4. Name and email address of two SLNC members in good standing who are willing to nominate you.  Alternatively, state that you would like the Elections Committee to nominate you.
  5. A photo in jpeg format.

The number of Board openings in this election:  Six (6).

Terms are expiring for Lynn Algra, Pat Pearce, Cor Smit, and Brian Wills, with Anja Lee stepping down. These directors are eligible to run again if they wish.  In addition, there was one vacancy on the Board, bringing the total number of openings to six.

Board Members continuing for the second year of their 2-year terms:  Marcus Boyle, Sandra Ecclestone, Tara Fulop Conner, Hugh Seaton.

Length of Board Terms:  2 years.

Election process:

If more than 6 nominations are received the election will take place electronically.  Candidate bios will be circulated in advance, and candidates will present themselves briefly during the online AGM. If a candidate cannot be present, his/her bio will be read aloud by one of the Elections Committee members. If 5 or fewer nominations are received, the Board will be appointed by acclamation.  More information can be found regarding the election process in the SLNC By-Laws Section 4.7

Additional Information on Club Governance:

Scroll to the bottom of the SLNC website and see the headings under “Club”. You can link to information about the current Board, Board meeting minutes, procedures, terms of reference, strategic plan, and other related topics.

July Programs Report: Cathedral Camp a Huge Success

The end of July marked the halfway point of summer, a strange one to say the least.

After having to cancel our much-anticipated home National Championships, things have yet to return to normal and how things will look in the fall and more importantly the winter, have yet to be seen.  April, May, and June had athletes training on their own and all of us learning about new technologies like Zoom, GoToMeeting, and Skip the Dishes.  Virtual strength training, virtual yoga, and webinars were the new norm and finally, in late June we received clearance from ViaSport (Viasport oversees sport development in BC) that we could commence training as a group while following specific guidelines.  A return to sport policy was put into practice and so far, things are proceeding extremely well.  Our Junior race focussed athletes have been training as a group on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays, while our Masters HP athletes have been meeting on Wednesday evenings for double pole training on roller skis, followed up with some group intensity in Kal Park.  Masters have also been meeting regularly for evenings of cycling in Armstrong.  Our biathletes are back to shooting on Wednesday and Saturdays with strict protocol to adhere to as more equipment is needed in their environment.

While things are operating differently I believe the athletes are in better form than they were at the same time last season and next week’s second round of testing will confirm my suspicions.

As COVID has caused us to look inward into how we are all conducting ourselves, it provided some challenges in hosting traditional training camps.  Changes needed to occur in order for camps to happen.  Sovereign recently returned from our second annual Cathedral Camp that operated in the style of the family unit this year.  Athletes had to tent, cook, and congregate with their family while the daily training environment allowed them to be physically active and socially engaged.  Day 1 saw 48 Sovereigners make quick work of the 16km from the staging area up to 1500m to our camping at either Quiniscoe or Lake of the Woods situated at 2050m!  Day 2 followed the Diamond and Rim Trails taking in the Devil’s Woodpile, Smokey the Bear, and the Giant Cleft amassing in 22km of hiking with close to 1200m vertical.  Day 3 and the group was off to the Box Car loop totaling 17km and close to 1100m vertical.  Day 4 was the inevitable 16km hike out of Cathedral Provincial Park back down to the staging area to say goodbye to all of our hiking pals.  Cathedral camp was a huge success with lots of laughs, mountain lake swimming, fishing, smores, blisters, bug bites, and no wifi!!  It was extremely rewarding seeing the comradery amongst the Sovereign athletes but the change in fitness from last season has been remarkable.  Things look good for the winter…

 Next up, cycle camp.  Athletes will endure 200km in the saddle and ride from Coldstream to Penticton via the gravel roads and the KVR.  Stay tuned for the next update on this wild adventure.

On a winter programming note, while the goal is to grow the number of participants in our winter programs, a cap has been placed on all of our Skill Development Programs for the upcoming season to keep things manageable amidst COVID concerns.  Safety is paramount and remains our number one priority and we attest to offer programs to our members in a safe environment.

This cap on program numbers may be lifted should things make a turn for the better and things return back to normal.  As registration is limited and if you have yet to sign up please follow the link to do so:


All in all, while we’ve had some hurdles thrown at us, it’s a good thing we all know how to jump! I remain optimistic for the winter ahead and while things may look and feel different than what we traditionally may have known, away from the lodge, skiing remains skiing… in motion, gliding amongst the white giants, enjoyment from ear to ear.


Stay healthy everyone.


2020-21 Programs Registration is OPEN!

Welcome to the 2020-21 season. For all club members participating in summer programs or for those who want to get a head start on planning and prep for next winter, our Youth and Masters Programs registrations are now online! We have introduced a payment plan option with 1/2 paid on registration and 1/2 paid on November 1st to help ease the burden of larger registration fees. We are so excited to have you join programs in 2020-21.

*Sovereign Lake will be offering an updated refund policy this winter. Refunds will be issued if necessary and will be provided based on the number of missed programming sessions.

Zone4 Registration Page Link: