Weather Station

Current Temperature 4.7°C Windchill: 3.3°C
Today's High 5.6°C 12:00am
Today's Low 4.6°C 1:51am
Wind 3.22 km/h South
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:33am Sunset: 5:44pm
Pressure 1020.8 hBa Tendency: Steady High: 1020.9 Low: 1020.6
Humidity 99 % High: 99% Low: 96%
Data last sent from Sovereign Lake weather station on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 20:08:56 -0700

Tuesday, March 25th – Lodge Hours 9-4

Trail advisory due to rain

-Avoid trail use today if possible it is extremely soft and rutted

-Marginal conditions- Ski with caution

-Snowshoe trails require snowshoes at all times

Spring conditions with a high of +6 this afternoon and expecting warmer temperatures tomorrow. Have fun and stay safe on the trails.

See NordicPulse here for grooming report

Please remember that a valid trail ticket is required for all activities at Sovereign Lake, tickets can be purchased online to help pay for our trail maintenance even if you ski after hours.

Thank you for supporting Sovereign Lake Nordic Club, a not-for-profit ski club.

Last 12 Hours 0 cm
Last 24 Hours 0 cm
Ski Base * 58 cm
Total Annual Snowfall  457 cm
Grip Wax of the Day Red Silver(am)
Glide Wax of the Day

*Ski base is measured in the stadium and varies from trail to trail

Weather Forecast