Upcoming NCCP Courses and Workshops
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Upcoming NCCP Courses and Workshops
We are currently working on hosting the workshops listed below. We’ll keep you posted on registration in the coming weeks. Fees will be covered by the club if you’re committed to coaching this season.
Oct 16: Learn to Train (L2T(D))Dryland CANCELLED
The NCCP L2T (Dryland) Workshop is the fourth step in the NCCP progression. Coaches are taught about developmental age, physical literacy, team building, athletic components (aerobic fitness, speed, etc.), nutrition, how to design their own sports program, adventure-based activities (year-round), roller-skiing, and planning a practice.
Nov 18-21: Learn to Compete (L2C(OS)) On-Snow Workshop
The Competition Coaching Development (CCD) context is for coaches working with athletes in the Learning to Compete (L2C) stage of development (about 16-20 years for males and 15-19 years for females).
Nov 20-21: FUNdamentals (FUN) | Community Coaching (CC) CANCELLED
The “CC” Workshop is the third step in the NCCP coach education program. It provides essential training for coaches delivering an effective skill development program to children six to nine years of age (the “FUNdamentals” stage of athlete development. This program is designed to train coaches to teach children technical skills, select games that reinforce the technical skills being taught, design and lead on-snow sessions, select and prepare equipment for young children and make learning FUN. Successful completion of the ICC online module, enthusiasm, and a minimum age of 14 years are the only prerequisites.
Nov 26-28: Learn to Train (L2T(OS)) On-Snow Workshop
The NCCP L2T (On-Snow) Workshop is the second half of the CCI program and the fifth step in the NCCP progression. This workshop is designed to train coaches on team management, supporting athletes at a competition, teaching and learning, equipment selection, ski preparation, and how to teach ski techniques effectively.
See the Nordiq Canada website for more information on Coaching Development Progression
NCCP Coach Development Workshops:
Cross-Country Skiing, NCCP Coaching Workshop & Professional Development Clinics Schedule:
Minimum Mandatory Coaching Qualifications policy: