S’Cool Ski Programs 2024/25 Season




Biathlon Facility Upgrade

Masters XC

TA Biathlon – Biathlon Bears

Coaching Resources

Thank you to all our volunteer coaches. Without you, we wouldn’t have such a great, successful program. Having said that, we need more coaches!!!

There are many organized programs for various age groups and experience levels. Starting with Bunnies for 2-5-year-olds, Jackrabbits for 6–9-year-olds, Track Attack for 10–12-year-olds, Recreation Youth, Adult Programs, and Biathlon. Volunteer coaches with various skill levels are needed to run these programs. Sessions vary from Tuesday & Thursday evenings during the week, Thursday during the day, and Saturday mornings.

Coaching any sport can be a lot of fun, but coaching cross-country skiing is a real joy because you can participate and stay active.
As a coach, you will have the opportunity to work with other coaches to improve your own ski technique. You will also learn how to teach children how to become better skiers while also teaching fundamental skills that they will have for life and will be able to apply to any sport as well as many jobs.

To become a coach, a criminal record check must be completed. These can now be done online and are good for two years. Please email [email protected] for the access code if you don’t already have a valid criminal record check to share with the club.

All coaches coaching for more than 7 hours/year must sign up for the  2024-2025 Nordiq Canada Coaching License before starting to coach for the season. There is no charge to renew your license. The Coaching Licenses is valid from July 1st to June 30th to continue benefiting from Nordic Canada liability insurance coverage and other benefits.

Sovereign Lake Nordic Club pays for NCCP Coaching Workshops in order for you to get your coaching certifications. We also host the first 2 (ICC & CC) coaching workshops here at Sovereign Lake Nordic Club in the fall.

If you have any questions or would like to become a coach, please reach out to
Program Admin at [email protected]  and they will help get you registered for the
coaching workshops.

Coaching Tools

Ski Playground Drills 

Parachute Canada Concussion Recommendations in Canada 2024

Technique Video Library


Skate Skiing Progressions

Coaches Corner Document from Holly Burn

Lesson Plans  

***Credits to those at Nakkertok Nordique who prepared many of the resources given below.  If any coaches at our club have suggestions for new or additional lesson plans, please share.


Bunnies 2014-2015 

Jackrabbit 1 (Classic Only)

Jackrabbit 2 (Classic Only)

Jackrabbit 3 (Classic and Skate)

Jackrabbit 4 (Mostly Skate)

Assessment Tools

*** Credits to Cross-Country BC for preparing these booklets.

Bunnies Booklet

Jackrabbits Booklet

Track Attack











SD22 Highschool Biathlon Academy

Train to Train Biathlon