Season Passes & Tickets


Your Nordic Season Pass includes lots of great perks!

  • In-season skiing and snowshoeing at SLNC,
  • 10% discounts on lessons,
  • 10% discounts on rentals,
  • 10% discounts on food and merchandise in the SLNC Lodge,
  • 10% off on soft and hard goods at Stussi Sport,
  • Access to club programs,
  • Discounted Add-On Nordic Season Pass at SSMR,
  • NEW **25% discount on Nordic Day tickets at Whistler Olympic Park , Larch Hills Nordic Society,  Caledonia Nordic Ski Club and Kelowna Nordic (show proof of 24/25 SLNC Season Pass when you visit either of these locations)
  • New **15% off  Nickle Plate Nordic Centre (show proof of 24/25 SLNC Season Pass when you visit)
  • All members (19 years of age and over) have voting rights at our annual AGM and can help shape the future of our club.

Your Snowshoe Season Pass includes some great perks

  • In-season Snowshoeing and tobogganing,
  • 10% discounts on rentals,
  • 10% discounts on food in the SLNC Lodge,
  • 10% off on soft and hard goods at Stussi Sport,
  • All members (19 years of age and over) have voting rights at our annual AGM and can help shape the future of our club.
  • ***Dogs are not permitted on SLNC Snowshoe Trails

Individual SLNC Ski & Snowshoe Season Passes


2024/2025 Rates  Early Bird

SLNC Season Pass

(June-Oct 31)



SLNC Season Pass 


Early Bird


Add-On to your SSMR Season Pass



Add-On to your SSMR Season Pass

Early Bird

Snowshoe Season Passes

(June-Oct 31)



Snowshoe Season Passes


Super Senior (81+) $87.50 $92.50 $80.50 $83 $41 $46
Senior (65 – 80) $194.25 $204.25 $174.25 $175 $68 $76
Adult (19-64) $262 $276 $241 $247
Student* (18+) $155 $168.50 $145 $145.50
Youth (13-18) $145 $157.50 $135 $136 $45 $51
Child (6-12) $135 $144 $124 $125 $45 $51
Tot (5 & under)*insurance fee $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25
Adaptive** $142.50 $150 n/a n/a $45 $51


Please Note: Season pass prices include a $21 mandatory CCBC/Nordiq Canada insurance/membership fee per person, credit card processing fees and Zone 4 processing fee per person. 

* GST (5%) is additional to the Season Pass rate and will be added on at checkout. 

Family Ski Season Passes and ** New** Family Snowshoe Season Passes

A family is defined as one or both parent/caregivers and their dependent children (18 yrs or younger) living in the same residence. A family must contain a minimum of three family members.

All XC Ski Passes include access to our Snowshoe trails. Snowshoe Passes are Snowshoe only.

Early Bird 

(June-Oct 31)


In Season Rate

(Nov – April )


XC Ski – Two Adults + up to Four Children $572.00 $602.00
XC Ski – One Adult + up to Four Children $358.00 $377.00
Snowshoe- Two Adults + up to Two Children $153.00 $170.00


*Please purchase individual season passes for additional children in your family.

Please Note: Season pass prices include a $21 mandatory CCBC/Nordiq Canada insurance/membership fee per person, credit card processing fees and Zone 4 processing fee per person. 

* GST (5%) is also additional to the Season Pass rate. 

Having Issues? Please review our new Troubleshooting and Resources section.

  • Refund Policy
  • Season Pass FAQ
  • * All Students must be attending a regional college or university full-time in order to attain this rate and show School ID on request. 
  • **Adaptive Season Pass or day users  includes Free Day tickets for up to 2 Caregivers and $5 rentals. 
  • ***Dogs are not permitted on SLNC Snowshoe Trails.








2024/2025 Day Ticket Pricing

Nordic Day Tickets include use of the snowshoe trails and toboggan area.

Snowshoe Day Tickets include use of the toboggan area. Dogs are not permitted on SLNC snowshoe trails.


2024/2025 Rates  

Ski Day Ticket

*Spring Fling rates

Add On

Ski Day

Ticket  *see details below

*Add on prices are not valid during Spring Fling

Night Ski Ticket

Closed March 13th

 4 pm- 8 pm

  Snowshoe Trail Passes

(available during operating hours – no rentals after 4pm)


*purchase inside lodge only




Super Senior (81+) $11.00 $7.40 $7.40 $8.80 Free
Senior (65 – 80) $22.10 $15.00 $12.10 $12.10 $3.50
Adult (19-64) $25.40 $15.25 $12.10 $12.10
Student (18+) $20.90 $13.00 $12.10 $8.80
Youth (13-18) $14.30 $11.00 $9.90 $8.80 $3.50
Child (6-12) $11.00 $7.40 $7.40 $8.80 $3.50
Tots (5 and under) Free Free Free Free $3.50
Adaptive** $14.30 Free Free Free Free
Indigenous People *** Free Free Free Free Free

Special Olympic Athletes $6/day tickets & $5 rentals

**Special O Assistants Ski or snowshoe for free includes ticket and rentals


* Guest who have a valid day ticket or season pass at Silverstar Mountain Resort can purchase a discount ADD ON day ticket to ski Sovereign Lake. Add On tickets are only available for purchase in the day lodge and require proof of your valid SSMR ticket or pass(receipt or dates ticket). This offer is also valid for those purchasing Sovereign Lake tickets or passes wanting to ski at Silverstar Mountain Resort can check in at their ticket office to purchase a discounted Add On Ticket(proof of purchase required).

**Adaptive guests who require a companion to ski or snowshoe receive a complimentary ticket and rentals for their companion.

***When visiting please let the front desk staff know you are a member of OKIB or are an Indigenous person to receive your day ticket and rentals. For more information as an OKIB member only please contact Brendon at OKIB recreation [email protected].


Our new 5 Pack Tickets offer you the convenience of a preloaded card at a discounted rate.(This product replaces the 4 plus and 8 plus packs)

All 5 packs must be used in the season they were purchased in.

You will have a pass card that you can scan each visit, no need to pre-book a date.

No Blackout dates

No roll overs to the 2025/2026 Season.


2024/2025 Rates 5 Pack Tickets
Super Senior (81+) $49.50
Senior (65-80) $99.45
Adult (19-64) $114.30
Student (18+) $94.05
Youth (13-18) $64.35
Child (6-12) $49.50
Tots (5 and under) Free
Adaptive $64.35
Indigenous people Free





The Indy Pass represents independent resorts in 28 states and provinces and offers quality skiing and riding within a few hours of most skiers in North America. Explore our five regions and plan your own adventure discovering new mountains, ski towns and the best runs of your life. SLNC was the first Nordic Centre to join Indy Pass which has now created an Indy XC Pass for the 2024-25  season! Indy Pass offers a network of top cross-country resorts across North America. All Indy Pass holders will receive two trail passes at each resort in addition to their 2 days at downhill resorts. The information on this page is for Indy Pass XC only and does not include privileges at downhill resorts. Indy Pass developed the program in partnership with the Cross Country Ski Areas Association (CCSAA) and will donate 10% of pass sales to the non-profit group.







Guide Dogs or Service Dogs(See guide dog and service dogs act for more definition) are welcome and permitted in all SLNC buildings and on all trails(Please speak with staff in the lodge so they are aware you are visiting with your guide dog and can educate the public)*See Provincial Regulations

Effective January 27th, 2023 all Season Pass Holders, and Day Ticket Holders will have access to use the SLNC Dog Trail System, without additional charge.


Sovereign Lake Dog Ski Trails sit entirely within the limits of Silverstar Provincial Park. Most of our front-country provincial parks allow dogs/pets as long as they always remain on a leash. Leashing your dog keeps you, them, and other wildlife safe. Triple win! Be considerate of other users – ensuring your dog doesn’t bark excessively. These trails are for skiers only, no walking or snowshoeing  are permitted. Pets are not permitted in facility buildings or snowshoe trails. Please pick up after your pet and dispose of their waste in the garbage bins provided. For more information on appropriate dog use in our Provincial Parks please click HERE.




Dogs are permitted in the following areas ONLY, under the full control of their owners:

PARKING: All Dog Owners are required to use the lower parking lot.

Wylie’s Loop: This short loop provides great access for new dog users as the 400m loop is relatively flat and close to the parking lot.

Montezuma Complex (Montezuma, Montezuma Revenge and White Elephant): These ski trails offer more advanced terrain, but once lower into the system, the trails are quite moderate in nature and offer good sight lines for the most part. This area tends to see less general public traffic as well. These are the nicest ski trails on the entire network. They are for skiers only. No walking or snowshoeing.

ACCESS to the “Zuma’s: The route into the Zuma’s is from the south end of the lower parking lot next to the sliding hill. Once on the snow turn left on Wylies Loop staying right until you are in sight of the Stadium. Cross down on the left side of the Stadium Bridge onto Montezuma.



Dogs are not permitted in the following areas: If owners are caught on any other trails their ski tickets or passes will be revoked.

  • On any SLNC snowshoe trails.
  • On the SLNC stadium.
  • On any non-designated dog trails including Gold Mountain, and SilverQueen.
  • Inside any SLNC facilities.



Sovereign Lake Nordic Club (SLNC) understands some individuals wish to ski with their dogs and also accepts that some individuals feel threatened by dogs. This policy attempts to find a fair balance between the interests of both. All dog owners using the Sovereign Lake “Dog-Friendly” Trail Network are required to be aware of this policy. All members, whether dog owners or not, should be familiar with the policy to support enforcement.

  1. Dogs MUST be on a leash at all times which can be no longer than 3 meters in length and attached at the owner’s waist.
  2. Owners are fully responsible for their dogs. Where an incident involving a dog takes place, the owner is responsible.
  3. Aggressive behaviour towards humans or other dogs (e.g. charging, growling, snapping, and jumping on people or other dogs) is unacceptable.
  4. The owner is responsible for ensuring he/she has adequate skiing ability to stay in control of their dog at all times.
  5. The owners must clean up after their dogs and dispose of the waste in the available receptacles.
  6. Report all unsafe practices to lodge staff immediately.
  7. Respect the space of other individuals and keep your dog away from children at all times. This is especially important on Saturday mornings when the Stadium and adjacent trails have high volumes of children in our Youth Ski Programs.
  8. Pass other skiers with or without dogs slowly and with plenty of warning.
  9. There is an expectation that owners who bring their dogs to SLNC will take responsibility for policing the dog trail and will educate others who are not complying, as well as report situations to the ticket office.
  10. All dog owners must possess a valid day ticket or season pass. Waivers for all dog owners are at the lodge. Please check in one time per season and review the terms of use. Trail passes are available at the lodge office, but we prefer if you book your tickets online HERE.
  11. Dogs are not permitted in any SLNC Buildings.